Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Yearly Archives


Respect Java Staff // I Have Had Enough

The aim of this article is to explain to the SLU community some of my experiences with disrespect, sexism, and harassment as a Java Staff member. On December 3, Caroline Rose was playing at the Java Barn, and as usual, pre-show was met with…

Yemeni Crisis Increases Nationwide Death Toll

Ali Abdullah Saleh, the former president and long-term dictator of Yemen, was killed by his erstwhile allies, in the Houthi movement, on Monday. This event plunges Yemen, already war torn and suffering from near famine conditions, into even…

Who Benefits From Our Government

The question is not so often asked: “Who benefits from the American political system?” In light of the GOP’s recent tax reform, the average American should prepare for the incoming storm. We need to know who receives the wealth in our…

Friends Without Benefits

Though Rousseau maintained that our natural inclinations are right and just, reality continues to offer devastating rejoinders. By now, no thinking person can study history and not confront the hideous face of human nature. This reflection…

Russian Team Barred from 2018 Winter Games

Olympic officials have banned Russia from competing in the 2018 Winter Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Tuesday’s ruling follows an extended investigation by the International Olympics Committee (IOC), which confirmed the allegations that…
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