Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Balloon or Bust? 


Last Thursday, the Association for Campus Entertainment (ACE) hosted hot air balloon rides for what is likely the first, and last time. The event was initially set to take place earlier this month, but high winds resulted in its postponement.  

Rides were available to the first 240 students who registered online via involve. However, most students expected the balloon to fly higher than it did, especially considering the cancellation due to high winds. Reporters on scene noticed that many students, upon seeing the balloon and subsequent line, decided to leave the event without riding.  

We want to get a sense of what most students thought, as there were still plenty who decided to wait out the lines and take a trip above the, well, heads of those below them. Scan the nearby QR code and let us know what you think! We’re curious to see what you thought! 

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