Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Taking Physics for the MCAT? Seriously?


I would like to speak to whoever decided that physics should be a prerequisite for medical school. Please tell me why a science about calculating the acceleration of an elevator based on the weight of a person relates to saving someone’s life. Instead of focusing on classes that are helpful for a career in medicine, like anatomy and physiology or organic chemistry, my time has been consumed with physics. The fact that it is 5-8% of the MCAT is nauseating.  

Nothing makes me madder than when I wake up on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday and must walk myself to Valentine Hall Room 205. There, I will sit and listen to my professor teach me things I do not understand nor want to understand. The number of times I have second guessed whether a career in healthcare is worth it due to this class is astronomical. I just do not think that in my daily work of being a dermatologist, I will ever have to use anything I have learned in introductory physics.  

Will I ever have to calculate the net force of my patients’ skin? No. Perhaps taking a class like physics tests your ability to withstand extreme anger and frustration. Either way, I think physics should be abolished from the MCAT.  

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