Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Bachelorex of the Week


Charles Quinlan Meyer

USA (Eagle screech)

What are you seeking to attract:
My partner and a really cool crow or something.

Political Science & Francophone Studies

European Studies (if I get around to declaring it)

Skaneateles, NY

Zodiac Sign:

Ticker or Hoot?

Hot dogs or cool dogs?
A cool dog, dog’s are really cool. I have many

If you could have a beer with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
Zip zip zip zip zip zip zip

What are you doing on a night where nothing else is going on?
Doing art… Maybe. I LIVE IN AN ART HOUSE.

You can only let one animal remain on Earth, what would it be?
A really chill raccoon, I feel like it could do a lot with its thumbs.

What song do you listen to when you’re happy, sad and in between?
“Electric Zoo” from Spongebob at all times

What do you bring to a relationship?
Please please please please

What’s the first quality you look for in a potential partner?
My partner

Least favorite school subject and why?
Math – no explanation needed.

Year in jail, or stay in jail till you can solve a Calc ll equation?
Year in jail, see answer above

What are your hobbies?
I play guitar, I like to hike, and you can see me zooming around on my skateboard.

Go-to midnight snack?
I like making bread, I make bread. Bread.

If you could wake up tomorrow with one superpower, what would it be?
Teleportation, I miss my partner.

Favorite kind of transportation?
Airplane, my partner lives across the ocean.

What is the best time of day to crack a cold one?

Favorite music genre?
Japanese Jazz Fusion, specifically from the late 70s and 80s.

Least favorite thing about SLU?
My girlfriend isn’t here right now.

What will you miss most about SLU?
The people and my girlfriend, she goes here.

A first date is going bad, how do you bail?
I wouldn’t be on a first date.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?
With my girlfriend

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