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A Response to the Presidential Debate
The presidential debate on Tuesday, Sep 29 stood in a long line of refusals from our politicians to condemn and disavow white supremacists and racially motivated violence. These refusals enable groups such as the Proud Boys and other!-->…
Pub Coffee Prices Skyrocket
I don’t know about the rest of you on the Weekly 7 meal plan, but I’m horrible at budgeting my dining dollars each semester. Halfway through the year, I always realize that there’s no way I’m going to make it to the end with the measly!-->…
Trump Got COVID-19 and It is Relevant to SLU Campus
I was eating ramen at 1am, as college students do, when the Times published an article saying that President Trump and FLOTUS have tested positive for COVID-19. I remember hearing cheers and screams outside my window. It could have been!-->…
Dear Dub: Let’s talk about healthcare!
Healthcare needs to be public, free, non-discriminatory, available regardless of job or immigration status, and equitable. The need for health care goes far beyond COVID. However, right now, we are very much so still in the midst of a!-->…
Romantic Restrictions
Collectively, St. Lawrence students have acknowledged that COVID-19 restrictions and the Laurentian pact are definitely killing the campus vibe. No more parties, no more visiting your friends dorms, and no more away games. Not to mention!-->…
Dear Dub: Seeking Support
Whether you’re new to campus or are just caught up in the chaos that is college during a pandemic, these can be tough times for us all. It is important to take a moment to remember that mental health should be prioritized above our!-->…
“I’m Doing it for Your Own Good”
As the bystander to the lives of those around you, what are the boundaries of intervention and moral choice? When does your own idea of what is best for another person overrule that person’s own judgement? If you think that someone is!-->…
Take a Look Outside
While you, the diligent SLU student with your Mac and Juul, have been lost in thought writing lab reports and blogs for classes, I, the good citizen of the world, have been thinking of trees. Alright… that’s some pretentious bullshit. I!-->…