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Study Abroad Withdrawals: An On-Campus Epidemic
It’s the start of the Spring Semester, which means that all of the fall expats are back in the States on our beloved Canton campus! Although us domestic students are surely excited to see our previously-foreign friends, the question of!-->…
Visiting The Adirondack Daily Enterprise: Witnessing The Hill News Being Printed!
After three years at The Hill News, I feel pretty confident in telling you that the paper doesn’t just manifest itself out of thin air.
First, it needs to be planned out. Maybe you’ve been to one of our editorial meetings —!-->!-->!-->…
Return of Mustachio Bashio: An OC Event with a Good Cause
On November 15, 2024, St. Lawrence University’s very own Outing Club coordinated the grand return of Mustachio Bashio. But Simone, you may be asking, what is Mustachio Bashio? Oh boy, get ready! Though in recent years this event has been!-->…
Halloween Highs: Fluke or Fact? Students Worried What This Could Mean for the Climate
Students of St. Lawrence University emerged from their dorms to an unprecedently warm Halloween evening last Thursday. Although the weather boaded convenient for those dressed in less insulated costumes, it is plausible that these!-->…
SUNY Potsdam’s The Racquette Newspaper: How Is It Run and Who Runs It?
It's a normal Tuesday night in November, although the temperature is abnormally warm, and the wind is howling in excitement for this break from the usual rainy cold. The top floor of Sission Hall is pretty quiet, the old lights stream a!-->…
What Do We Call Our Professors?
William Shakespeare prompts the question, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet,” in Romeo and Juliet. For the average St. Lawrence University student, they refer to their professors by!-->…
Door Dashing in Canton, NY: Students’ Experiences Ordering & Delivering
Before I left home to begin my sophomore year, I was gifted a DoorDash gift card by a close family friend. While this was a generous gift, I was later perplexed when thinking about DoorDashing in Canton, NY. I had never considered it!-->…
Crew Team Takes on Mt. Marcy: A Peak Weekend Adventure
I’ve never been one to shy away from adventure. So, when the captains of the rowing team proposed, two days in advance, that we have a team hike to the top of Mt. Marcy, I jumped at the opportunity. Mt. Marcy is the highest point in New!-->…