Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Athlete of the Week: Maggie Gehrke


Athlete: Maggie Gehrke 

Sport: All Sports 

Position: You Tell Me 

Year: Never Leaving 

Height: 6’5 

Do you have any pregame rituals? Tape. Lots of it. My ankles are essentially held together by thoughts and prayers. But mostly tape.

What’s your favorite workout routine? Circuits for sure. I like to set up at a squat rack in the gym and NEVER leave.

What sets you apart from other athletes? I actually prefer the term starving artist

What is it like keeping up on studies? Been pretty chill. I talked to coach and told him that with 110% of my energy going to improve my game, I don’t really know if I have the time or energy to learn a language. So according to my transcript, I’ve “taken” “Swahili.”

What pro athlete most resembles you and why? I would say Gronkowski, for two reasons. One, he’s retired. Two, given the opportunity, I would also smash a lego bust of Steve Harvey.

What’s your favorite postgame meal? It’s not so much the meal as it is where I eat it. I want to be in the pit with the team. But if your mom made mac and cheese for the tailgate you know I’m there.

Favorite pregame hype song? 1 Thot 2 Thot Red Thot Blue Thot, I love the symbolism.

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