Climate change should terrify you. It is the greatest threat the world has ever faced, and it shocks me how little people are talking about it.
The United Nations just published a report outlining the dire issue, estimating that we have 12 years until the planet’s temperature hits an extreme high. But if humans continue to pollute the earth at our current rate, we might have even less time.
There are many international efforts to curb climate change, but they fail to act fast enough to make serious change. And the United States pulling out of them, like the Paris Climate Agreement, does not help either. People are trying to eat less meat and use less plastic, all of which are great actions and should continue to the best of people’s ability. But fighting climate change is going to take a lot more than just recycling.
With a new House and Senate being sworn in in 2019, we finally have a chance to make policy changes, which ultimately is our best shot at reducing carbon emissions and pollution to bring the world’s temperature down.
Currently on the table as a potential plan is an initiative known as the Green New Deal, which gives the United States a 10-year timeline to invest in renewable energy sources. It would ultimately help keep the planet’s temperature down by reducing carbon emissions and helping coastal communities invest in infrastructure to protect from rising sea levels and natural disasters.
It will be expensive and it will face backlash, but what is more expensive is the cost of climate change. A recent report by the U.S. government estimates climate change will cost billions of dollars. But it directly impacts our health in negative ways. It is destroying people’s homes, and it will continue to do all of these things unless we start doing something about it.
There is so much you should do. Yes, you should recycle, use less plastic and eliminate meat from your diet, at least a few days a week. But, in reality, you have to fight harder than that.
The most effective prevention of climate change needs to come from big companies and powerful countries, who are the real proponents of carbon emissions and pollution and got us here in the first place. Call your representatives and make them support green legislation.
Remember, they work for you. You choose them and you pay them. Make sure they listen and follow through with these concerns. Effective policy, like carbon taxes and investment in sustainable infrastructure and technology, will have a huge impact on protecting the planet.
Listen to scientists. Educate others. The more people who advocate for a healthier planet, the better. Support sustainability projects and other initiatives that have benefits for the environment. Here at SLU you can help divest the University’s money from fossil fuels and urge them to invest in long term, green projects for campus.
Try to avoid products from companies who don’t use environmentally friendly methods of production, when you can. Find businesses who sell products made from recycled materials, buy local and thrift. Be a smarter consumer so you can show companies you do not support environment-destroying technology. They need to feel the effect of angry people who don’t want to see their home destroyed.
Whatever you do, don’t stop talking about it. Climate change puts all of us in danger. These next few years are our last chance to save the planet. Please don’t waste any of them.