Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

“En Fuga” Art Exposition 

“En Fuga,” an art exposition by Carmiña Goya ’25, was presented on Tuesday, Feb. 18, at the Noble Center, next to Noble 101. “En Fuga” is a direct translation from Spanish to “on the run” – the artist chooses to see her experience as a

Dear Dub: Are You a Feminist?

Are You a Feminist? ....Perhaps "why" or "why not" is the real question everyone should be asking of themselves. It is understandable that identifying with a group or a movement is impossible if one does not know the history and

Dear Dub: A Kiss to the Heavens

Grief is a weird feeling. It often comes in waves, waiting silently in the corner until the time is right to make its next move. At times it feels like a smart, breathing creature that wants to make you realize you have no recipient for
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