“En Fuga” Art Exposition
“En Fuga,” an art exposition by Carmiña Goya ’25, was presented on Tuesday, Feb. 18, at the Noble Center, next to Noble 101. “En Fuga” is a direct translation from Spanish to “on the run” – the artist chooses to see her experience as a migrant as a constant state of fleeing from somewhere or something.
Goya’s life as a migrant started six years ago – with the desire to attain something different than what was offered at home in Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina, and to make a difference with what she learns along the journey.
Goya’s work for this exposition started as a university fellowship during the summer of 2024, where she delved into the world of woodblock printing. The exhibit consists of four prints, which were carved on a wood matrix and printed with oil and water-based inks, two screenprints, three graphite and ink drawings, and an intricately sewn curtain of boarding passes, train tickets and travel documents which she has kept since the beginning of her journey around the world. The artist invites visitors to walk between the printed statements of her visits to different places, where she tells the tale of putting her life inside the tight compartments of a suitcase.
According to the artist, “the body of work… represents a constant state of discovery – a never-ending negotiation between the worlds I inhabit. Where I come from, where I have been, and where I am.” “En Fuga” resonates with ideas such as the Nepantla or in-betweenness of Gloria Anzaldúa, Victor Turner’s liminality and Silvia Molloy’s ideas exposed in her book “Vivir Entre Lenguas.”
Much of her artwork focuses on the portrayal of windows, which symbolize the thresholds she chooses to inhabit rather than cross. With themes of friendship, family, poetry, exploding suitcases and taxi cabs, Goya’s work intimately exposes us to a tale of migration, the longing of a home, the uncomfortable nature of a family thousands of kilometers away from her, and the slow realization that that which she calls “home” is inevitably her own self, which she carries around without limitations.
Visitors have until March 4 to visit.