Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

SLU Transportation


For students who live a plane ride away from St. Lawrence University, finding a way to the airport to get home for breaks is easy thanks to the university-provided transportation. Before and after every school break, the school sends shuttles to and from many local airports.  

The main airports that the school sends shuttles to are Syracuse, Ottawa, Montreal, Watertown and Ogdensburg. This service provides students who may not be able to find a ride to the airport from a friend with a safe, easy and reliable way to get to the airport in a timely manner. The cost of a ride varies depending on the airport, but the most expensive fee is $55. Accommodations can also be made for those who may need financial aid. 

All things considered, it is certainly a great deal to only be spending around $50 for a trip to an airport that could be over two hours away. St. Lawrence University’s transportation coordinator, Tonia Friot, mentioned how much of a bargain this is for students compared to potential other options. “Last time I checked with Taxi Zero, they were charging $350 for a one-way ride to Syracuse,” Friot noted. 

Since the SLU campus is well removed from all big cities that have airports, it is crucial that the university is able to provide transportation for their students. Patrick Gagnon, Assistant VP of Safety and Security, recognizes how important these services are. “We recognize that we are removed from a lot of the transportation hubs, and this helps bridge that gap for students that are not from an area close enough to drive,” he stressed. During the days leading up to and following breaks, the shuttles make frequent trips to and from the nearby airports.  

Jamie Rosenzweig ’28 used the transportation provided by SLU to get to the Syracuse airport to fly home for Thanksgiving break. He spoke highly of the service, highlighting how it was a convenient way to get to the airport. “The weather conditions early in the morning were a little scary but the drivers were great and got me there in plenty of time to catch my flight,” Rosenzweig remarked. 

Liam Flaherty ’28 also flew home for Thanksgiving break but carpooled with a friend who drove him to the airport instead of taking a university shuttle. He was unsure about taking a shuttle due to the timing of his flight. “I am aware of the school’s transportation,” said Flaherty, “It just didn’t allow me to attend all of my classes on Friday and still make my flight.” 

Students across campus are well aware of the university’s transportation options, even if not everyone uses the shuttles. It is a valuable service that SLU provides and saves students from stressful, and potentially expensive, situations surrounding traveling home for break. 

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