Student Q: Can I be friends with my coworkers?
I am of the mindset “I’m friendly but not friends.” It’s important to create a trusting relationship with your coworkers, but there are some things that should be left outside of the office. The main reason you’re there is to work. Don’t let friendships impede on the bottom-line. You will need to be discerning about who you can trust with what information about you. This is can such a tricky thing to balance. You will have missteps but learn from them.
-Charnele Luster
Take it slow and learn who you can trust. Be careful what you share with others and DO NOT
bond by gossiping. It's tempting to talk about others in an attempt to build alliances, but it’s dangerous in the workplace. I’ve lost good friends when competition has entered the equation. You’d be wise to establish some ground rules if you might eventually be up for the same promotions, etc. Just remember that no one else is going to look out for your best interests like you can. Having said that, I have found some of the best people to be friends with in work situations. You spend so much time together that it really is amazing when you end up working with friends. Use your discretion, but enjoy your work relationships!
-Jessica Sierk
Sure you can! I think that being friends with your coworkers can actually help in a variety of way. It helps you build a community of your own in the workplace and can often be great for establishing trust with one another. Is it necessary to be friends, definitely not? That being said, I’ve personally found that my experience in a position is better when my coworkers are my friends because I feel more connected to that place.
-Maverick Cummings
Most certainly. You probably won’t be friends with all your co-workers but lots of close
friendships begin in the workplace. You can also be friends at work only. -Ann Pedersen