Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
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Two Rocking Java Concerts

You know there have been a few bands in the history of Rock (and/or) Roll that have gone down as being the best. Chuck Berry certainly fancied himself the cock of the walk when he earned himself the title as the Father of Rock’n’Roll. The…

Boss Tweed Takes What’s Theirs

To the blurry-minded and discordant ones amongst you last weekend, to the twerkers, the confused, the frenzied, the fruit-laden, the insufferable. We were visited by Boss Tweed and the Carpetbaggers. The masked men that stood before you…

The Objective Truth

Laurentians love to say that we go to school in the middle of nowhere. We’re just about as far north as you can get before reaching our friendly Canadian neighbors. We’re surrounded by farmland, the Amish, empty space, and trees. Even while…

Java’s Musical Medley of Miscellany

Well, that’s another one for you. This past weekend was a double-header, featuring Great Blue on Thursday and Monogold and Root Shock on Saturday. This weekend was one of the more eclectic we have hosted at Java. Fortunately, the fanbase at…

Hayley Jane and the Primates Go Wild at Java

Java, you god damn jungle. The jungle of this Saturday contained more than the usual animalistic audience and feral fraternal families. No, this weekend the Java Jungle was visited by the notorious Hayley Jane and the primates who play…

This is the Dawning of the Age of Aqueous

Pretty lights, talk boxes, broken circuits, and a barrier blasting from the past. This past weekend was quite the time. This past weekend we were met with two ubiquitous names as far as Java history goes. On Thursday, we welcomed Mister F…

Wild Adriatic Brings Down the House

As their name implies, Wild Adriatic ensured a wild night this past Thursday. With wailing riffs and booming percussion, the Saratoga Springs natives put on a show Java patrons aren’t likely to forget. The three person ensemble was…

The Funk Lives On at Java

This past Thursday, we witnessed one of the most funkadelic nights we’ve had in a while here at the Java Barn. Trae Pierce and The T-Stones are a Miami-native band. They’ve been traveling around the North East for the past few months and…
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