Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Athlete of the Week: Jenna Durkin


1.      Class year? 

2.      Where are you from? 

3.      Favorite Food? 

4.      How long have you been playing soccer? 

5.      Why did you choose St. Lawrence? 

6.      What has it been like playing and practicing after a COVID year off? 

7.      Favorite team memory? 

8.      Favorite SLU memory? 

9.      Favorite part about being a collegiate athlete? 

10. Fun Fact 

1. First-year.  

2. Peabody, Massachusetts.  

3. Ravioli.  

4. I have been playing soccer for 14 years.  

5. I chose St. Lawrence because I loved the campus and it instantly felt like home. It seemed like such a great community, and I knew I wanted to be a part of such a great place as SLU.  

6. Especially after covid, I learned not to take anything for granted. I am so thankful and appreciative of every game and practice we have.  

7. My favorite team memory is karaoke on our bus coming home from away games.  

8. My favorite SLU memory is my first home game on the Sandy MacAllaster field. I have only been here for about a month, so I am very excited for all of the memories I will make over the next four years.  

9. My favorite part about being a collegiate athlete is the strong connections and friendships you make. It’s only about a month into the season and I have already made great bonds with my teammates and coaches. It is great surrounding yourself with dedicated and hardworking people.  

10. I have a 12-year-old Goldendoodle named Lewis.  

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