It is always the beautiful, the seductive, and the sublime that gently clasps our shoulders to guide us off the well-worn path of hard work to the deceitful ponds of sin. They may be warm, they may envelope us entirely and lull us into a comfort which we have never known, but this is a false comfort and the water is sure to freeze you the moment you dare open your eyes.
The False God:
“Over the Hedge” (A 2006 hit animated classic) explores this seduction with a precision not yet seen before on the big screen. These animals have toiled. They have scavenged and hunted and have come so close to starvation, the difference would have been seven grapes. Seven grapes separated these animals and death, and just as they are beginning to realize it, a tempting offer arrives. Enter RJ (Bruce Willis): a smooth-talking racoon who makes promises of paradise. He comes in with foods the other animals have never seen (a direct allusion, of course, to the original sin of the apple) and beckons the animals to try, to take and to allow themselves to slip into a gluttony they have never allowed themselves before. The only animal who doesn’t fall for this is the head-of-house, Verne (Gary Shandling). As the audience, we are aware of RJ’s falsehood from the beginning, and that he is using these animals to repay a debt. Unable to do anything, we are then forced to watch their downfall.
Against Verne’s warnings, the other animals fall for it immediately. They are tired of the hard work they must put in just to survive and lust for an easier life. This easier life came to them at their lowest, and they accepted, not questioning the validity of the savior which presented himself to them. Very soon, the animals are no longer treating RJ as their savior, but their God. They have hope to not only survive but to thrive through another winter. And, they have Doritos.
In one scene, Verne, frustrated with his families abandoning of him (which is yet again alluding to a departure from morality and goodness) states, “so he has a couple of tricks. It’s not like he can walk on water.” Then, RJ proceeds to walk on water behind Verne and call for the animals to continue onward. What both we as the audience and Verne can see but the animals are blind to is that RJ was using the help of pool floaties to accomplish this feat. The terror builds as Verne realizes how far his family has fallen into temptation. They will believe anything RJ tells them. They will do anything he asks and follow him wherever he goes.
And they do follow him. After RJ tells them that all of the snacks he has been feeding them are not only in bountiful supply but are close, all it takes is a few words and they are ready to go…Over the Hedge
Hell Disguised as Paradise:
We enter suburbia. With endless rows of green, groomed yards and garbage cans swelling with half-eaten food, this would appear to any animal a paradise meant to indulge in. The animals do not hesitate. After a prompting from RJ, and another unheeded warning from Verne, they descend upon suburbia to partake in its riches. They eat, they hoard, and they play with garden equipment they have never seen before. One animal, a young porcupine, is even able to watch television for the first time. To them, it is a world of endless fun and comfort. It is everything they could have ever dreamed of and more.
The beauty of this new paradise is used against Verne, who had visited it previously and said it was a deadly, terrible world. He is called a liar, and once again the word of RJ is believed. But Verne has seen the truth. He knows this is no Paradise. This is Hell. His family is enthralled by the spell that RJ and suburbia has weaved through their minds. They are submerged completely in sin and don’t even know it.
As they sink deeper into gluttony, so deep that there is no escape, the inevitable occurs.
RJ reveals himself to be a charlatan and the illusion crumbles. Paradise becomes hell and two animals are nearly killed by the gatekeepers of this hell. A darkness falls, the truth is brought to light. Suburbia was not what they thought it was. It is a punishing pit that knows the animals coerced sin and demands retribution. By the time the animals realize the truth, it is too late. They have fallen for RJ’s lies. They have indulged too greatly. They are damned.
At the climax of this movie, the animals are caged and thrown into a car set to travel deeper into this suburbia-Hell.
“Over the Hedge” is about so much more than little animated animals and Bruce Willis voicing a golf club wielding racoon. It’s about temptation, and the dangers of falling into it. RJ is a false God to these animals. He promises salvation but brings damnation. He is smooth talking, he offers immense treasure, and he brings new technology.
The animals are immediately seduced by this and leave behind the morally just and righteous life of hard work with Verne to pursue RJ’s tales. For this, they are punished. The connection to sin and temptation is plain. RJ is a snake, Doritos are the apple, and a group of once good and moral animals are forever lost.
Over the Hedge is a warning. We live in a world of gluttony, consumerism, and false Gods enticing us to be consumed. This well-crafted narrative begs us to ask: What falsehoods do I currently worship? How easily would I succumb to sin?
Have I already?
Many people have beautiful Near Death Experiences that are unbiblical in nature. Some people have a fairly long period of what’s called “soul slumber.” This is where the persons spirit remains dormant and unconscious for up to possibly 1 full hour. Durning that time, the person’s spirit is just as unconscious as his or her body!!! They float around completely unaware of ANYTHING!!! They could have used that intermediate period to call out to Jesus, but they didn’t wake up!!! Then, just like those who DO wake up outside their bodies, they get sucked down that long black tunnel, or they are swiftly whisked away by demons. When they finally snap out of it, they’re already in hell!!! Back in the hospital room, the spirits of their loved ones may have been screaming at them to “wake up and accept Jesus into your heart!!!” But to no avail!!!
Those who wake up in fiery cages and torment were actually the “lucky” ones!!! Those who have the non-Biblical type of Near Death Experiences were probably waking up to the “false paradises” that are experienced by those who wake up in hell’s “movie cages”, where everything starts our wonderful ( like a beautiful hologram), but everything suddenly turns to sheer horror as harsh and terrible truths make themselves known!!! The problem is, it takes TOO LONG for the horrible reality and the “fake-ness” of these obviously “projected” false paradise experiences to come to light!!! By the time events unfold ( in your “movie” ) far enough for you to KNOW anything, you will have been deceased for a number of days!!! By then, your body has been embalmed and buried or cremated!!! This would explain why those with deceptive Near Death Experiences never report how everything started out so wonderful, but then everything started going so terribly WRONG!!! By the time you’ve been in that burning movie cage long enough to start waking up to and experiencing HELL, it will have been too late!!! If your soul sleep ( post death dormancy ) lasts long enough, you will have already landed in hell, been shown to your assigned “fire-cage” ( complete with holographic movie projectors ) and tossed inside!!! By the time you snap out of it, you’re in beautiful scene that seems like PARADISE, but it is anything BUT paradise!!! Those loved once’s you encounter there will just be demons in COSTUMES!!! And that will be your torment!!! You will be forever running for the crystal blue water, only to find it was really red hot burning SAND!!! You will all too soon UNDERSTAND this “movie” you’re being forced to play the starring role in,.. it is JUDGEMENT!!!!
We rewatched the movie on 25/06/2024.
This time i noticed the themes in it this time. It’s remarkable how much you notice when you’re older.
Thanks for this. It crystallises my thoughts on it.