Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Report From Thelmo Exec Board


This semester the Executive Board made strides towards greater transparency within Thelmo. All meeting minutes, including our Executive minutes, are available on our Sakai page for students to read. We host weekly office hours every Monday from 4-5p.m. in room 303 of the Student Center so students can share their concerns in a more relaxed setting. Additionally, Thelmo began requiring clubs with budgets over $15,000 to present their itemized budget to the Thelmo Senate.

Moving forward, we are committed to ensuring that our core mission of diversity and inclusion is at the heart of Thelmo’s decisions, including the allocation of SLUSAF funds. Next semester, we will resume our work towards greater transparency, expanding mental health resources, becoming a more environmentally friendly campus and continuing our scrutiny over the usage of SLUSAF funds to ensure maximum accountability.

We encourage all students to consider applying to the Thelmo Senate for the Fall 2019 semester, as we need every voice possible to better serve the student body.

-The Thelmo Executive Board

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