Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
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Report From Thelmo Exec Board

This semester the Executive Board made strides towards greater transparency within Thelmo. All meeting minutes, including our Executive minutes, are available on our Sakai page for students to read. We host weekly office hours every Monday…

Thelmo Chair Reports

Diversity and Inclusion Committee: This spring semester has been an eventful one for diversity on the SLU Campus.  This semester, working with Ashlee Downing and Sharon Rodriguez, the Intersectional Board of United Voices (IBUV) was…

Accountability and Ethics

In light of this week’s Thelmo meeting, I find it crucial to ask one major question for a club which has a current budget of $79,840: how do they ensure accountability and ethics for expedition trips? The question is not a direct insult or…

Delegate Debate

On Monday night, four candidates for the Student Delegate to the Board of Trustees (BOT) held a debate for the position. It was an unconventional debate by Thelmo standards; two candidates participated via Skype: Chris Rich ’18, who is…

Pub Policy: Problematic?

Students returned to campus Sunday, March 22, and were met with a change to the Pub Ordering Policy. This policy was spearheaded by Thelmo “due to an excessive amount of wasted Pub orders every day.” Thelmo and Dining Services implemented…
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