Rooted in Positivity
In one of the initial steps of the new presidency, THELMO President Sofia Zareizadeh ‘26, in conjunction with St. Lawrence University Wellness Education, has created “Rooted in Positivity,” a collective program to encourage SLU students to write a positive or inspirational message to share with fellow Lawrentians.
These messages were put onto ribbons that were then hung from a tree outside of Sykes Residence. This winter season is often a time of lots of work for classes and an overall drop in mood across campus. This initiative is meant to lift those spirits and bring the campus closer together in this difficult season as we look forward to spring.
This is the first of several initiatives planned to occur in collaboration with Thelmo and SLU Wellness Education. “We hope to do something similar to this later on in the semester,” said Zareizadeh. She also noted, “It was heartwarming to see the engagement in the initiative.”
As mentioned, the goal of the initiative was to create a community-centered event that had the ability to reach all across campus regardless of student’s background. “I was aiming to have the community build something and show how much love as a campus we have,” said Zareizadeh.
Overall, the event was a major success. The campus came together to support an event that brightens the spirits of students in this often-difficult time.