Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Beyond Soy: SLU Veg’s Tell All



It sure is not easy being a vegetarian, and it is even harder being a vegan. Now, being a vegetarian or a vegan on a college campus? That is a feat. But those SLU guys and gals dedicated to not eating animals or animal products do not seem to be dropping to the ground in starvation do they? Dining options for these animal lovers can be limited, but they figure out tricks of the trade pretty quickly.

“There’s definitely more options for students that eat meat, especially at Dana,” vegetarian Milena Kozyra Class of ’18 remarks. “If I don’t like something I’m stuck with a salad or pasta, maybe a good soup if I’m lucky. At the pub they can modify my order to my liking. I’ve learned that I can order pretty much anything and just substitute meat with veggies.” Kozyra’s favorite meal to order at the pub has become a gluten free quesadilla with extra cheese, broccoli, and mushrooms.

Some vegetarians on campus will disagree that Dana has less options, vegetarian Sarah DiBacco ‘16 actually finds it easier to eat at Dana. “The salad bar is my favorite place to eat on campus,” remarks DiBacco.

These two vegetarians seemed pretty optimistic when it came to their choices, but vegetarian Sarah Evarts ‘17 said she finds herself eating the same things pretty often, “I tend to eat an egg white omelet with spinach, tomato and provolone with a side of whole wheat toast, which I love, but I tend to eat it all the time.”

From the vegan point of view, finding new options becomes even more challenging. “To be a healthy vegan it’s pretty hard, but there are options. There are not a lot of good vegetable or fruit choices, but I can’t really complain,” said vegan Hannah Farnham ‘18. Her favorite meal is either a salad from Dana or a black bean burger with vegetables from the pub. Farnham’s trick of the trade? She buys lots of tasty oatmeal and eats it in the comfort of her own room. Keep your heads up vegetarians and vegans around campus; one of your kind is bound to have some new and interesting ideas for mealtime.

In the meantime, here is a yummy and creative option at the pub for the vegetarians out there: grilled cheese on whole wheat bread with mozzarella, feta cheese, tomatoes, and spinach. And to top it off? Get a packet of balsamic dressing and dip that sucker. 

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