Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Picking a Major? Here’s Some Advice From a Senior


The question of what advice I would give to those picking a major is not that complicated of an answer, rather, it is direct.  

The best advice is to run with a major that you think catches your attention, if not passion. Although do recognize that it may change over your time at St. Lawrence University. The average American switches careers roughly three to four times. Therefore, it is not wild to expect that one’s major will switch at least once. Personally, my minor subjects switched numerous times, and if it were not for my gradation date, I would have added another minor to the list.   

Passion is a unique concept I learned early on in reference to the career world, although more specifically in what to do with my life overall. It is hard to have a definitive answer to what one wants to do. Although, the question of what one feels they need to do is often a much different answer, typically driven by a passion for what one feels they need to do.  

The ability to understand what one feels they need to do is often a better indication of a field one should approach, instead of asking oneself what they want to do. Many Americans can attest that one does not truly know want they want to do, but they typically have a feeling of what they need to do. Often times, that is a better measure of direction than even trying to guess with perception what an individual wants to do.   

The best thing to do though, is not to be concerned regarding the registration process overall. You will likely change your major, add a major, add a minor, or drop one or both. Yet, within four years, you still will graduate from St. Lawrence with a strong launching pad into what you need to do. 

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