Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Theme House Corner: The Artist Guild


By Arthur Nevin

It is quite difficult to sum-up in this brief article how much the Artist Guild means to us who live here. But I’ll give it a shot.

The Guild is far more than a house sitting on University Avenue. In truth the Artist Guild is many things. It is a collection of phenomenal creators that come from all scopes of the artistic spectrum. It is one of the numerous focal points that can be found on the St. Lawrence campus for free thought and expression.

It is one of the many places across our fine university that can be visited in order to create personal works of art. But more than that, it is a home. It is a home for those of us who are lucky enough to live here. A home that is always open to those who wish to come and create with us.

That is not to say that if you want to make some art with us that you have to stop by the house. That is not even close to the full scope of our activities across campus. Last year, we hosted a weekly Artist Hour here at the Guild. These were often an artistic free-for-all, if you will.

Now when it comes to this year, we do not necessarily always have a weekly Artist Hour. Now, do not despair dear reader. We now have far more in-depth artistic courses that we shall be offering both this and next semester.

These brand-new Artist Hours will be hosted many times in the coming weeks. They cover a wide array of subjects such as Bob Ross painting courses, pumpkin carving sessions, creative drawing courses, group painting sessions and much more. All of these hands-on courses will be taught by one or many of the members who live at the Artist Guild. We hope to see you there!

Yet that is not the only thing that we Guild members do to foster artistic growth in our community. We also offer our very own artistic supplies to several other student organizations on campus. The Artist Guild does this in the hopes that we, in some small way, can promote the expansion of artistic development here at SLU.

We here at the Guild love art in all of its forms. We also have plans to volunteer at local elementary schools. Whilst there, we will be hosting similar courses to what we offer on the SLU campus. This will be done in the hopes that we provide learning experiences and valuable artistic knowledge to the future Picassos and Van Goghs.

The Artist Guild. It is hard to explain how much this place means to me and everyone else who lives here. We truly love the Artist Guild. It is not just some house that we reside in.

The Guild is an awesome, strange, creative, noisy, beautiful place to live. It provides a sense of community on the campus that, in my humble opinion, is a great benefit to many SLU students. We love it here. And we in the Artist Guild look forward to seeing you at Artist Hour!

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