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Arts & Entertainment
YONI: A Collaboration
Artists: Tessa Denison
Eliza Koso
Andy Ostler
Hannah Owh
Jiacan (Mia) Ruan
Sabrina M. Walton
Here in the Northeastern United States, we have the luxury of living in a place that is open and willing to overcome difference.…
Disney’s Proliferation of Arms
Disney’s entertainment empire could be getting a lot bigger. The giant, which has been acquiring properties for years, could potentially purchase several of 21st Century Fox’s assets. Several weeks ago, Disney first expressed interest in…
Caleborate’s “Real Person” Explores Young, Black, and Gifted
A few weeks ago, in an article on hip hop and mental health I made a statement. I wrote that hip hop has gold at its core: it’s up to us to dig for it. Well, I have been mining away and found a gem. Caleb Parker, a.k.a. Caleborate, fights…
2018 Grammy Nominations Released
On Tuesday, November 28, at 5:56 in the morning, the official website for the Grammy Music Awards published the 2018 nominee list. The music scene has been in an uproar since, and musicians and fans alike are ecstatic at the selection.…
Warning: There are spoilers ahead!
“Thor: Ragnarok” marks the third movie in the Thor series, and the fifth movie in which Chris Hemsworth reprises his role as Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Many Thor fans have been anticipating…
“Wonder of the World” – A Wonderful Show
A few weeks ago, St. Lawrence’s Department of Performance and Communication Arts sponsored the comedic production “Wonder of the World.” One of the first comedy plays performed at St. Lawrence in almost ten years, it was not one to be…
When Ashley Judd publicly accused film producer and former executive Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault, a shock wave went through Hollywood, starting a ripple of effect with woman after woman coming forward to share a story of assault…
Women to Watch in Music: Julien Baker
The alternative music scene is no stranger to women like Julien Baker; mournful lyrics and clever composition give a fresh face to an already popular trope. Legends, such as Joni Mitchell, Carly Simon, and Tori Amos, have paved the way for…