Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Environmental Tip of the Week

Students have cars on campus all year round. However, not everyone has this privilege, and it isn’t necessarily a good thing, nor a necessity. The United States could save 33 million gallons of gas each day if the average commuting…

Environmental Tip of the Week

In addition to recycling services, St. Lawrence University offers organic waste diversion. In layman’s terms, this just refers to the use of composting containers. Composting is the practice of turning organic waste into fertilizer for…

Environmental Tip of the Week

Get paid for party clean ups. Shoulette’s Redemption Depot, located on Minor St. in Canton, will redeem all aluminum cans, as well as plastic and glass bottles for 5 cents a pop. Redemption centers offer a great money making…

Environmental Tip of the Week

Shortening your shower by about one minute saves enough water to fill a 30-rack of your favorite beer. The average American shower uses 17.2 gallons or uses about 2.1 gallons per minute. Here are some tips to help…
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