Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
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Parents Unable to Find Hotels in Canton

Many people visiting St. Lawrence University have difficulty finding a hotel room in Canton, N.Y. during the busier times of the year. Hotels fill quickly during graduation, parents’ weekend and accepted students’ days, causing many people…

Spectrum Club Brings Pride Week to SLU

This upcoming week, St. Lawrence is celebrating LGBTQ PRIDE, hosted by Spectrum. The advocacy and social justice group, Spectrum, whose mission is to facilitate a stronger LGBTQ community on St. Lawrence’s Campus, works towards creating a…

Athlete of the Week Taylor McClung

Name: Taylor McClung Age: 21 Hometown: Sleepy Hollow, N.Y. Major: Psychology How long have you been competitively swimming? I have been competitively swimming for 14 years. How did you get into the sport? My dad has…

Theme Houses Protest Conditions

University theme houses are deteriorating and conditions are becoming unlivable. Theme houses are located on the edge of campus and provide alternate living arrangements for students who want to live with other students of similar passions.…
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