Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
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environmental tip of the week

Environmental Tip of the Week

Hey Saints! We all have a pretty good idea of what waste is: potato chip bags, bottles, cans, plastic wrap, paper cups, dishes, etc. The list goes on and on. But often times, we forget that waste includes other items like old clothing,…

Environmental Tip of the Week: Protesting

Hello St. Lawrence community! This week’s environmental pro tip is as much an invitation as it is a tip. The state of the planet is in danger and it’s up to you and me to do our part. One way we can do that is by attending a new series of…

Environmental Tip of the Week

Want to be more sustainable?  Want to reduce carbon emissions? Go to the thrift store! Now, you may be asking yourself, how can both of these tasks be accomplished? Well, there is a little know secret on University Avenue behind the Java…

Environmental Tip of the Week

In addition to recycling services, St. Lawrence University offers organic waste diversion. In layman’s terms, this just refers to the use of composting containers. Composting is the practice of turning organic waste into fertilizer for…
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