Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Why Now President Biden? Honeymoon’s Over


Currently President Biden is facing an array of problems and Hangups to put it mildly. The President has now moved past the “Honeymoon” period of his administration as CNN analyst Van jones put it. First, the supply-crisis in the country as countless ships full of consumer products are waiting to be unloaded in American ports. Next Biden is still relining from the Afghanistan debacle in August. Next, it appears the Democratic party’s unity tinkers on the brink of collapse, ss moderates and progressives battle over the infrastructure bill. The possibility of near total collapse of the American Financial System is a real possibility with the demand to raise the debt ceiling coming into question. In addition, the sovereignty of the United States continues to be tested, with record numbers of millions pouring across our southern border with no end in sight. It seems what Joe Biden’s words to democratic donors during the 2020 election that “nothing will fundamentally change” has come true. To make the picture ever bleaker, the President’s approval rating is 38 percent, according to one Quinpac poll, and several others have him in the low 40s, a historic low for a president. 

So why did the President pour gasoline on to fire, effectively mandating covid-vaccinations? Via executive order for all government employees, and for many privately employed individuals to be vaccinated or terminated. Now, I can already sense there are many who would brand this as an anti-vax article, or something extreme such as that, there is no doubt to this author that the vaccine works. Now just because something works doesn’t mean you can force it on the American populace through an executive order. We live in a Democratic Republic, in which the Congress passes laws, and the president enforces them, this executive order effectively kills this principle of separation of powers. It’s clear that this executive order is unconstitutional at best and tyrannical in reality. The idea that the President of the United States, who is meant to enforce the law, can order a private employer to vaccinate employees or else face termination, is a clear violation of the separation of powers clause in The Constitution and displays monarchial tendencies akin to King George III. 

Even though I personally agree that people should get vaccinated, I’m not willing to support any president imposing said beliefs on others violating their freedoms. As William F. Buckley once put, “freedom breathes inequality.” In order for freedom to exist, we as a country must accept the freedoms of others, even if such freedom exuberates negative harm. For if we lose sight of protecting our freedoms, we will lose what it means to be an American and we have already lost America. For the great experiment which is self-governance will perish under the boots of tyranny. For Tyranny always arises under the guise of safety. For no matter how seductive it sounds, we as Americans must resist such executive cohesion, even though the action of vaccination is correct. For the means of the end will condemn our fair republic into the grip of executive tyranny that establishes the dangerous precedents. Such precedents violate the very cornerstone of our existence and desecrates of the memory of those who died for that very freedom. 

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