Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Governor’s Gambit: Martha’s Vineyard


On Sept. 15 Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida supervised the transportation of 40 to 50 illegal aliens to the island of Martha Vineyard.

Despite the island’s incredible liberal politics and wokeness, the governor’s move was greeted with disdain rather than acclamation. Matha’s Vineyard place where being Conservative is like being an endangered species. You would expect the tolerant elites to welcome the migrants.

After all, Martha’s Vineyard is the center of the Democratic elite with President Barack Obama, former Attorney General Eric Holder, lawyer Alan Dershowitz, and former Senator John Kerry. All calling Martha’s Vineyard home or at least their second home.

With these same previous Democrats decaying the tough Donald Trump policies and then contrasted with their recent reactions one can smell hypocrisy.

So how can tolerant, woke Martha Vineyard declare a state of emergency? Isn’t diversity our strength, particularly with these recent arrivals?

I guess not for the residents of Martha’s Vineyard.

Now this move is clearly a political stunt, as are most things are that politicians do. But it is a gamble. Will putting spotlight on illegal immigration improve the Governor’s chances for the Republican nomination in 2024?

In fact, illegal immigration was the key to Trump’s nomination in the Republican primary.Immigration is a key issue among Republican voters and this recent move not only hits immigration but takes a shot at the center of the Democratic party. Using immigration to kills two birds with one stone, which is a move of political magic and gamesmanship.

Not only does it put DeSantis back in the spotlight, but it also changes the conversation away from the overturning of Roe V. Wade and towards immigration.

The issue of immigration lands in Middle America and if Republicans tap into this, midterms could be a red tide or even a tidal wave. This is the formula for success, Republicans win on immigration.

It is a key issue of our time and excellent to hang one’s hat on. Nationally should follow suit. The equation is simple, Republicans win on immigration and especially with these optics.

The Governor’s Gambit seems to be paying off and perhaps it can nationally. Follow the formula Republicans, follow the formula.

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