Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Hear Me Out: Blind Date Parties


Blind date parties are scary. I feel like every theme house or Greek life organization throws one every year. There are a few reasons why these parties are never good.  

The first problem that occurs is the fact that you have absolutely no idea who the hell you are going to be with all night. You must put faith in your friends that they will pick someone that will not only be okay with the fact that you are your date, but also someone that you will have a good time with too. This is rough. What if they get into your house, see that you’re their date, and turn right back around and leave? That would ruin your night for sure.   

Now, at the same time, I don’t want them to become my stalker. What if this date comes and then won’t leave you alone? It’s a small campus here and if someone wants to find you, they will. I understand that this seems extreme, and I do agree with that, but in the play, Boy Meets Girl, this scenario played out and it really didn’t end well for her.  

Now, it was not until this year that I have come into the blind date thing. I have had a boyfriend for most of my time here at SLU, until now. I’m going into senior year, going to my first blind date party with an actual blind date, and I am scared to death about it. I do trust my friends, but it’s already a scary time for me because I’m coming out into the world again as a single lady and the critics are really tough nowadays.  

That all being said, I do think that date parties are the perfect way to be able to meet more people. I think this is a time that you can step out of your comfort zone and really get to know more people. This might be a little late in my career at SLU, but I don’t think that there is ever a time when you can’t be making more friends. At the end of the day, I am excited about the date party because, just like me, there will be other people with blind dates who know what friends you will make or the memories that you’re going to have after this night.  

Thoughts of the day… blind date parties really set you up for an anxious week leading up to them. You have no idea how this is going to work out or if it even will work out. That being said, you have to put faith in your friends that they know what they are doing, and they will get you a fun date. Enjoy these times, because who knows when the next time is that you are going to be set up on a blind date.  

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