Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Enough Trump


Since he announced his run for presidency, Donald Trump has been the center of the 2016 race.  Every politically incorrect statement he makes seems to wind up as the next day’s headline.  Trump’s controversial statements have made him one of the most polarizing characters in politics.  There are those that commend his rejection of political correctness and they view him as the strong-willed leader that this country needs.  Then, there are those that despise him.  They are disgusted by his ignorant comments and can clearly picture him dismantling the United States if he wins the race.  There seems to be no middle ground; people either love him or hate him.  However, despite his questionable comments, and extensive media attention, Trump is not that different from other presidential candidates we have seen before.  The only polarizing aspect about him seems to be his colorful comments projected to the media.  What most fail to recognize is that Trump’s comments are usually petty, yet they have little to do with his effectiveness in the White House.

Trump’s legitimacy as a candidate should be measured by the policies he stands behind.  The media seems to focus on Trump’s sexist remarks rather than his views on various, relevant issues. While Trump’s remarks do say a lot about him as a person, they do not determine his success as a future leader.  So, let’s focus on the present political issues.  On most matters, Trump has flip-flopped. Most notably, he has wavered on gun control and abortion.  In 2000, he supposedly supported a ban on assault weapons, and was pro-choice.  Now, his stance on both those issues has changed.  This is not the first time we have seen inconsistent flip-flopping in politics.  Almost every politician falls victim of it.  For example, last year, GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney drastically changed his views on welfare.  Trump’s inconsistency on issues is a valid reason to question his leadership rather than focusing on the frivolous things he says to the media.

Trump is not the first candidate we’ve seen exhibit the macho, no-apologies attitude.  Arnold Schwarzenegger sported the same political approach in his campaign for governor of California.  Schwarzenegger was also a political-novice, and the definition of heterosexual masculinity.  Additionally, Schwarzenegger fell victim to political incorrectness, yet California elected him anyway.  The aggressive, confident newcomer is nothing new to political campaigns.

Trump does not deserve the media attention he has received since he announced his run for presidency.  Furthermore, he should have as great of a polarizing effect as he has had over the past few months. American citizens and the media seem to neglect the fact that he brings nothing politically unique to the table.  In short, supporters and opponents of Trump should not focus all of their attention on the irrelevant comments he makes.  They should research his policy stances and materialize a more informed view of what he stands for based on his postures.  The more swallowed up viewers get by the media’s portrayal of Trump, the more misinformed voters will be come the 2016 election.  If you are going to oppose Trump’s policies, oppose them for a valid reason.

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