Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Midterms: Which Country Are We Going To Buy?


What is going to be the next big problem? What can you actually blame a president for? Can our democratic republic maintain composure? The midterms bring all the usual questions and more. Also, as usual, there is no one size fits all answer, and even worse, it’s now less appropriate than it once has been to take Roxette’s advice. To some, listening to their heart would mean killing all Democrats, and personally, I’ve never witnessed hearing the inverse.

Two issues ago, I warned you about political violence, and go figure, it happened in late October. The attacker, a Canadian fellow, who doesn’t warrant being named here, attacked Paul Pelosi. If he had the luck of encountering the Speaker of the House, who knows what could have actually happened to the person who is third in the presidential line of succession. Relations with Canada would have soured if any- thing worse happened. There is information out there that the Pelosi attack took place as the cameras weren’t being watched, making it the Epstein of politics. 

Naturally, conspiracy theories exploded more so on the right -which isn’t surprising given what conspiracy theories have been raging the past few years from the same group. For the record, Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts’s Conspiracy Theory (1997) is more believable than what some abstract portions of right-wing America believes in. On the note of Roberts, congrats to her entrance in the world with the support of MLK and Coretta Scott King, one of the more pleasant stories of October. 

It has already been made clear that for some Republican candidates, losing in the midterms immediately presents the response of fraud, mismanagement and collision against them. If you’re on the right, you’re always right. Even better, you might recall what Phil says in Modern Family, “if you ain’t white, you ain’t right.” 

Some of you might not even know that Kari Lake was once a Democrat, but there is also no perfect party, yet clearly a shortage of perfect people, assuming a person can even be perfect. Yes, Stacey Abrams is guilty too, and chances are she will be again if Georgia turns into the Battle of the Wilderness. The truth of the matter is that Nov. 8th is entirely up in the air. CNN recently described the future Senate majority as a “jump ball.” It would be entirely appropriate to argue that the entire direction of the nation is a jump ball. President Joe Biden is about to give Russia the greatest shakedown since the Ronald Reagan years while having two brain aneurysms. 

As one MSNBC commentator put it, when Biden gets it right, he really gets it right and when he screws up, he re- ally screws up. However, that simply makes the president one of us, an extreme in the land of extremes. 

To take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity, Biden needs to retain Democratic majorities because we must operate on Mitt Romney’s now infamous 2012 truth-telling.And yes, domestic policy will wrap up as we simply need more time to witness the changes, while I can also guarantee you that someone like Peter Thiel is not a vision of America you want activated. 

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