Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

How To Address the Election: It’s ‘Harris,’ Not ‘Kamala’


Who is running in the 2024 Presidential election? 

“Donald Trump and Kamala.” 

“Trump and Kamala.”  

“Trump and Kamala Harris.”  

“Kamala versus Trump.”  

Sounds odd, doesn’t it? Take a moment to think of past presidents – how were they addressed? Truman, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Biden. Why is it that when asked, who is running in the 2024 election?, many respond Trump and Kamala? 

Individuals running for president have historically been referred to by last, or first and last name. No one would ever speak about George Washington and refer to him as George. As women have begun running for president, they have often been referred by first, or at best, first and last name. While it may seem an insignificant detail, this issue demonstrates a larger underlying disrespect and unreadiness held towards female politicians.  

Take Hillary Clinton for example. While it makes sense to use her first and last name to avoid confusion between her husband, Bill Clinton, many would refer to her by first name only. Though in Kamala Harris’s case, the excuse for avoiding confusion cannot logically be applied. There are no past presidents with the last name Harris. Donald Trump continuously refers to Kamala Harris as Kamala, frequently mispronouncing her name. 

Politicians may ironically or jokingly refer to one another by their first name, but formally address one another by last name. 

There is a stigma and disrespect experienced by females running for president. Together we can change this – call her Harris! 

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