Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Barn Good Gets Huge Upgrade


If you haven’t heard, there is a thrift store right here on campus! Called the Barn Good Thrift Store, it has been in operation for over 15 years and is now under the care of the lovely members of the Close the Loop club!

The Barn Good Thrift Store has historically been located behind the Java house in what looks to be an actual barn, giving it the characteristic name.

Running a store in this space had unique challenges.

A lack of running water, bathrooms and Wi-Fi inhibited the function and growth of the store.

When the Center for the Environment gained its own space at 11 Hillside Rd, Close the Loop was presented with the opportunity to house the Barn Thrift Store in this new location.

Equipped with a full kitchen, bathroom and washer and dryer, this is a major upgrade for the store.

The transition of the store to this new location was facilitated over the summer by senior and club co-president Maddie Dolge and Americorp member Evelyn Laferriere.

Given the huge transition between locations, the store has been in the setup process for most of August and September, hosting its grand opening during Laurentian Weekend.

You can now find the fully opened Barn Thrift Store at 11 Hillside Rd.

When you walk up to the store you will see a beige-green house with a sign over the door reading “Center for the Environment.”

Upon opening the door, you will find a room to the left with racks of shirts, a wall of pants and sweaters, a full-length mirror, and a bathroom serving as the makeshift fitting room. To the right is another room in the process of becoming an up-cycling studio/maker space.

Close the Loop is excited to announce the open hours for the fall ‘24 semester will be Thursdays 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., Fridays 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturdays 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Donations can also be dropped off at the store during these hours. Payment is currently cash only, charging two dollars per pound of clothes.
Customers can also receive credit vouchers equivalent to the weight of clothing donated to be used for purchase in the store.

If you are a college student trying to look cute and fashionable without turning to Shein or breaking the bank, we’d love to have you in the store to pick up some new gems for your wardrobe.

Be on the lookout for upcoming Close the Loop workshops in the new location, and we hope to see you thrifting soon!

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