Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Thelmo Debates


A debate amongst candidates running for the Thelomathesian Society executive board positions was held in the Winston Room this past Sunday evening. Every November, elections are held for the positions of President, Vice President of Senate Affairs, Vice President of University Relations, and Secretary. The winners will assume their new positions beginning of the spring semester.

Candidates in the debate began with opening statements about their platforms, and they then were given the opportunity to answer questions about campus issues. The first debate was for the Vice President of Senate Affairs. The candidates are Kaylee Converse, Steven Valverde, and Kenyeri Xelhua. Valverde and Xelhua both spoke about wanting to increase the diversity of the Senate and to see different groups being represented and involved. Converse focused her time to express her thoughts about making constitutional changes and altering committee structures.

Next was the debate for the position of Secretary. Hanna Gregory is running unopposed, so she first discussed her previous Public Relations and organizational experience. She spoke about wanting to make Thelmo more accessible to the student body through a bigger online presence, updating the Thelmo website and being more active on social media, especially through Thelmo’s Instagram account.

Followed by Gregory was the debate for Vice President of University Relations. The candidates are Sam Okpan and Kylee Clancy. Okpan believes that his involvement with SLU’s Football Team has prepared him for this position to help improve University Relations. Clancy spoke about wanting to both increase inclusivity and make SLU Advocates more accessible on campus.

The last part of the debate was devoted to the presidential candidates, where the main topics discussed were eliminating single room fees, concerns about rising tuition costs, and underrepresented groups on campus. The candidates are Hogan Dwyer, Ryan Patrick Young, Tinga Adiang, and Cecelia Rooney. Dwyer spoke about making improvements in environmental sustainability on campus. Young’s focus is to “rebrand Thelmo” as well as help make students feel safe at SLU. He also wants to tackle the issue of growing tuition costs but acknowledges that this is a difficult task to undertake. Adiang spoke about his dedication to help minority students feel safer and more represented. Rooney, currently the Thelmo Secretary, emphasized how she wants to “Make Thelmo Work for You,” so that it is more transparent and accessible to the student body. Rooney, Adiang, and Young have been in Thelmo since their First-Year Fall Semesters.

Voting for candidates is available on SLUwire through November 8.

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