Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

NCPR Searching For Delegate


North Country Public Radio is looking for a St. Lawrence student to serve as the student delegate to its executive council.

The NCPR Executive Council reports community concerns and areas of interest to the NCPR’s staff, helping the station’s programming better suit the needs of listeners. Current members of the executive council live and work in the communities that NCPR serves. The council meets four times a year.

Once in the Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. They are hoping to make the council more diverse by including student perspectives, which you can help bring.

Students can be elected by current members to three-year terms and are encouraged to continue the event after graduating. Interested? Just fill out the form using the QR code. The form is due on October 25.

NCPR Station Manager Mitch Teich said this position helps the station involve students in ways other than as news interns.

“It’s really important for us to give opportunities to St. Lawrence students, whether they’re planning to go into news reporting, or they’re interested in nonprofits and community leadership,” he said. “A position on the executive council is a great chance for people to help shape the media world in the future and it’s also incredibly vital for NCPR to turn to the next generation of our audience to help shape how we do what we do,” said Teich.

“We know college students today think about the media a lot differently than a 20-year-old a generation ago, and so we really want them to have a seat at the table.”

NCPR is an affiliate station of National Public Radio that broadcasts throughout the North Country, which includes the Adirondack Park.

They report on local politics, breaking news, and climate change. They also air audio rich features that capture the culture and arts of the region.

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