Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

St. Lawrence County Prepares for New Primary Date


New York State’s primary elections have been postponed until June 23. Gov. Andrew Cuomo made the decision Saturday due to the coronavirus outbreak that has infected thousands of New York residents.  

The St. Lawrence County Board of Elections is planning for the new date. According to Commissioner Jennie Bacon, polling locations have not been changed. “Right now, today, they’re normal,” she said. 

The Board previously decided to not hold voting in the two nursing home polling locations in the county prior to the date change.

Bacon is anticipating there will still be major coronavirus concerns by the June primary. “We will probably consolidate some polling places with the option of people being able to get an absentee,” she said. “Probably many people will not be opting to go out to the polls.” 

The Board of Elections has not decided any of these consolidations yet. 

The county has ordered hand sanitizer for voter protection at polling locations. “We also order alcohol wipes so all election inspectors can wipe down the touchpads every time after everyone has voted,” Bacon said. The Board is also debating either wiping down styluses or make them single use. 

Currently absentee ballot applications are due by mail to the county board June 16 or in person by June 22. “I highly anticipate these things changing,” Bacon said.

Students who are registered to vote in St. Lawrence County but who are no longer in the county can get apply. “I encourage everyone who’s going to apply to apply early, not to wait to the deadline,” Bacon said. “We can send them a ballot and give them plenty of time. Mail seems to be going somewhat slowly now.”

As of April 1, early voting will be available from June 13 through the 21, at the Board of Elections. 

St. Lawrence County did not lose any money with the primary election delay. “We are not now paying election inspectors for two days, we already had a primary scheduled for June 23,” Bacon said. “It actually has, in the long run, saved us money.” 

The Board of Elections had not yet purchased ballots for the original April 28 date, because they anticipated a postponement.

Bacon does not think the June 23 primary will change. “I don’t think we’ll be through all of this in June, but I do think that it gives our office more time to prepare for the flood of absentees we might get,” she said.  

Apply for an absentee ballot for St. Lawrence County here:

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