Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

COVID Cases are Rising in the North Country, Students Have Mixed Emotions


Potsdam High School Confirmed two positive COVID cases in the district, causing them to switch to remote learning for two weeks. 

According to NNY 360, the district confirmed their first case last week and decided to switch to remote learning until October 2. The elementary and middle school will continue with in person classes for the time being. 

Students on the local college campuses have mixed emotions about their concerns with the safety of their respective campuses. 

Sydney Christiansen, a junior at Clarkson University, said she was not worried because a majority of her classes are taught remotely and she lives off campus by herself. 

“In other circumstances, I might be concerned, but because of my current situation, I’m not too worried,” said Christiansen. 

Julia Barnum, another Clarkson student, agreed with Christiansen. 

“Clarkson has been doing a really good job,” Barnum said, “So, I’m really not concerned.”

Barnum said she wasn’t aware that Potsdam High School had any positive cases until recently, but still had confidence in Clarkson and the safety precautions they have in case. 

Barnum also said how Clarkson was moving into Phase Three of their safety plan, which allows for gathering of 25 students inside with masks. 

On the other hand,  Brenley Avila ’22 at St. Lawrence, said she is a little worried. 

“I’m a little worried that it has the potential to come on to campus but everyone seems to be doing a good job at following the rules so hopefully it stays how it is,” said Avila. 

Courntey Benson, ’22, said she felt differently, despite being Avila’s roommate. 

“I’m not very worried as I don’t go off campus much, so I feel safe,” said Benson, “But, everyone has been doing a pretty good job at following the rules that were set in place.” 

Drew Terhune, ’22, said he hoped no one was getting too comfortable on campus and that we need to continue to be diligent with our efforts because of the new cases in the county. 

“My only concern about COVID is that there may be people interacting from the Canton community interacting with people in the Potsdam Community,” said Terhune “So, I hope no one is getting a false sense of security with all of the negative tests on campus and in the local community.”

In a similar manner to Potsdam, the Massena community has had a spike in cases in recent weeks resulting in them not opening with the other local school districts. 

According to the St. Lawrence County Government website, there are zero active cases in the Canton Township and ten active cases in all of St. Lawrence County, three of those in Potsdam and five in Massena. 

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