Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

From QB1 to Entrepreneur


Tyler Grochot ’22, co-founded Hummi, a startup app for time management and organization for students. Grochot and his Software Engineer Co-Founder Anthony Aoun now visit universities, getting student feedback in Upstate New York and Ottawa.

Hummi is a website that helps students organize their classwork. “Hummi is essentially an all-in-one tool for students that centralizes organization and keeps them focused in class,” Grochot explains. “You essentially start by uploading your syllabus, and from there we are able to extract all of your assignments and add them to your course schedule.”

The website differentiates itself from other organizational tools with its quick setup. “A lot of students use Notion and Microsoft Excel, estimating that it takes them anywhere between two to four hours to set themselves up,” Grochot says. He highlights the importance of academic organization at the beginning of the semester. “We are trying to get them there just faster, something that might actually be beneficial throughout the semester.”

Grochot and Aoun founded Hummi 10 months ago, after Aoun’s six years of entrepreneurship experience. They now visit different campuses, such as Carleton University and Ottawa University in Canada, to help students use their app and get feedback. According to Aoun, student feedback will be important in shaping the app, and encourages everyone to provide feedback on their website,

Grochot appreciates SLU’s resources and alumni network in launching his startup successfully. He joined many programs organized by Center for Career Excellence such as SLU Connect Washington D.C., Career Boot Camps, and LINC Mentor Program. He suggests current students interested in entrepreneurship utilize resources of the SLU’s entrepreneurship ecosystem. “Just keep trying and it will work,” he says, quoting his LINC Mentor James Sidford.

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