Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

The Importance of Advocates Amid Cuomo’s Sexual Assault Allegations


New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo is facing accusations of sexual harassment. Five women have accused the governor of sexual harassment and innapropriate behavior. The first of these allegations appeared in a series of Tweets written by Lindsey Boylan on December 13, 2020. 

In this particular case of sexual harassment there are concerns of Cuomo using his power as Governor to silence and intimidate victims. Boylan detailed the extent of Cuomo’s inappropriate comments and behaviors in a letter published February 28. Boylan was a former aide to the administration in the state’s economic development agency from 2015 to 2018. These accusations include Cuomo asking to play strip poker and advanced to him allegedly kissing her without consent. “His inappropriate behavior toward women was an affirmation that he liked you, that you must be doing something right,” wrote Boylan. “He used intimidation to silence his critics. And if you dared to speak up, you would face consequences.” 

The President of the SLU Advocates program, Stephanie Sauve, reported that several advocates feel as if the allegations are not getting as much coverage as they feel necessary. “We feel people are trying to protect his reputation and all kind of agreed it is not getting the coverage it deserves, Sauve mentioned. “Many of us only found out recently or have heard about it, but noticed that it is not being talked about a lot.”

Despite the intimidation tactics, Boylan spoke out about her experiences. “I’m compelled to tell my story because no woman should feel forced to hide their experiences of workplace intimidation, harassment and humiliation, not by the Governor or anyone else,” stated Boylan in her letter. Boylan’s statement of intimidation causes Sauve to believe that, “In general, this is another reason why although the number of sexual assault cases are high, many go unreported.” 

Sexual harassment allegations towards people in government raises questions about the survivor’s decision to speak up. Sauve mentioned that survivors are assumed to be wanting to kick him out of office. “In doing this, we are insinuating that people in power should not be held to the same moral and legal standards as anyone else. Again, sexual assault is sexual assault no matter who commits it,” commented Sauve. 

For survivors of sexual harassment such as Boylan, speaking up is about recognizing and punishing inappropriate behavior. “Telling my truth isn’t about seeking revenge. I was proud to work in the Cuomo Administration. For so long I had looked up to the Governor. But his abusive behavior needs to stop,” said Boylan. 

The idea that survivors are seeking revenge on people that have sexually harassed them causes Advocates to believe that this is the discrediting of victims. In his press conference addressing the allegations, Cuomo stated that being affectionate such as kissing and hugging is his way of greeting people. Sauve believes this is Cuomo’s way of discrediting victims. “He tried to make excuses for his inappropriate behavior,” said Sauve. Additionally Sauve mentioned that there is a small number of reported rape or sexual assault cases that prove to be false. In a ten year study conducted at the University of Massachusetts Boston and Northeastern University, the authors concluded that between two to ten percent of all allegations reported are false. 

Conversations surrounding sexual assault, rape, and harassment shape the way society views these issues. Sauve emphasized that “In calling those that report their assault or rape liars, supporting musicians or politicians with allegations against them, or using “sex” and “rape” as if they are the same word, we are taking the power and weight away from the word rape.” Sauve stated that rape and sexual assault should always be taken seriously regardless of political affiliation or position in society. 

According to Sauve, addressing issues within society regarding rape and sexual assault causes reflection and perhaps change. “I wonder if it was not reported on, if he ever would acknowledge the weight of the actions he committed,” questioned Sauve. Boylan shares the same sentiment and wonders what the lack of conversation regarding sexual assault says about society as a whole. “We are accustomed to powerful men behaving badly when no one is watching. But what does it say about us when everyone is watching and no one says a thing” stated Boylan. 

NY state Senate leader Andrea Stewart- Cousins stated that the Governor should resign for the good of the state according to The New York Times. However, Cuomo has refused to resign stating that resigning because of allegations is anti-democratic. This contrasts Cuomo’s call for two NY assemblymen to resign after they were accused of sexual misconduct in December of 2013. He stated that if they do not resign the assembly should consider expelling them according to The Washington Post. 

Assembly speaker Carl E. Heastie did not call for the Governor’s resignation. Instead Heastie urged Cuomo to reconsider whether he can meet the needs of the people of NY, as reported by The New York Times

On Friday, March 5 the Democrat- dominated legislature voted to limit the emergency power Cuomo was given at the start of the pandemic. Cuomo stated he would sign the measure which would allow Lawmakers to make and review changes to pandemic guidance. 

For students struggling in light of this news the Advocates are a resource for students both on and off campus and the phone can be used to make calls and to chat. St. Lawrence also has a twenty four hour counselor on call that a student can connect with through Advocate’s or security. 

April is also sexual assault awareness month and Advocates will be hosting an AWARE training from March 19 to March 21. There will be another training during Teal Week March 29 to April 4. “During this time, it is incredibly important that we support each other and look out for each other,” Sauve emphasized. “We encourage the student body to look deeper into resources available in our community as well as educate themselves on consent and the recent title nine changes made under the Trump administration.” 

Cuomo stated that “There is no way I resign” until after an investigation is completed. State attorney general Letitia James will do an investigation with an outside law firm, according to The New York Times. Cuomo addressed the investigation and stated that until the report is published he would like to “do my job.”

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