Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Early Voting Available In New York this Fall


Voting is about to become easier and more accessible in New York. Registered voters in New York will be able to take part in early voting which begins October 26. 

Starting with the 2019 general election all voters registered in New York will be able to vote before Election Day. 

This new way to vote is not that much different from regular voting. 

When you go to vote early you check in, receive your ballot and vote how you would in any other election. 

All votes that are cast between October 26 and November 5 will be accounted and reported after 9 p.m. on the general election day. 

The only difference between the two ways to vote is the poll site.

 In some counties there will be only one poll site, and in others where there is more than one site, registered voters will be assigned a place to vote. 

Additionally, in some places voters may be able to vote at any poll site according to The 

League of Women Voters. St. Lawrence County only has one early voting site, which is at the Board of Elections. 

At the early voting sites, there may even be electronic tablets to sign registered voters in instead of paper poll books, according to the New York Civil Liberties Union. 

In order to vote early, or in the general election, you must have been registered to vote by October 11, 2019. 

If you are not registered to vote, you can still register and be able to vote in the Presidential Primary on April 28, 2020. Voters that requested an absentee ballot are still able to send the ballot it, however they will not be allowed to vote early at the polls. 

If you vote early or send in an absentee ballot you are not able to vote on general election day. 

This reform to voting in NY comes after the 2016 general election, when NY had the eighth- worst turnout in voters across the country, according to NYCLU. 

Early voting makes voting more accessible to people who are busy with work or have other obligations that keep them  from voting on November 5, said the NYCLU. 

For more information regarding your specific counties early voting site and times, contact your board of elections. 

St. Lawrence County Early Voting Hours – General Election 2019 

Board of Elections office, 2nd Floor, 80 SH 310, Canton, NY 13617

The pollsite is fully accessible to voters with disabilities, and is served by local bus routes. 

Canton Early Voting Hours:

Saturday October 26th 2019 9AM to 2PM 

Sunday October 27th 2019 9AM to 2PM 

Monday October 28th 2019 9AM to 5PM 

Tuesday October 29th 2019 9AM to 8PM 

Wednesday October 30th 2019 9AM to 8PM 

Thursday October 31st 2019 9AM to 5PM 

Friday November 1st 2019 9AM to 5PM 

Saturday November 2nd 2019 9AM to 2PM 

Sunday November 3rd 2019 9AM to 2PM

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