Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Trudeau Takes the Win


People knowledgeable about Canadian politics had mixed feelings about the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s victory. Trudeau, leader of the Liberal Party, won the 2015 federal Canadian election last Monday, Oct. 19. Many thought Trudeau won because he appealed to a particular demographic and some felt the last government in power, Stephen Harper, head of the leader Conservative Party, was becoming a dictatorship.

“There was real Harper fatigue and Harper animosity. Trudeau on top of it turned out to be a pretty good campaigner. He beat expectations. He was not the kid, the lightweight lots of people expected him to be,” said professor of Canadian Studies at St. Lawrence UniversityJoseph Jockel.

Harper fatigue and under estimation seemed to be a few of the reasons Justin Trudeau won the prime minster election. There were other factors that helped Trudeau lead the Liberals to the top.

“I think he appeals to young people, and just generally, the young people in Canada were tired of Harper, but not just young people. I think a lot of people generally were tired of the Conservative government. For example, how he was disregarding First Nations and their land, and steps Canada had made to actually include First Nation people. Oh, he was also making some deals on pipelines that were going through their land without considering them,”  a former resident of Canada Rutendo Chabikwa said.

Some people think a bit differently about Justin Trudeau, like Neil Forkey, assistant professor of Canadian Studies. “Note worthy, he reached to the young, natives, first time voters, and new immigrants. Aboriginal voters came out and supported the Liberal” Forkey said. He added, “Trudeau is photogenic.”

With Canadian politics, everyone had their own opinions on Trudeau’s win. Some thought it had to do with his strategic planning around the youth and immigrants. Others believed it had to do it with the 9-year run of Stephen Harper. A small group of people alleged Trudeau’s looks made him the next prime minister of Canada. Whatever the case may be, Justin Trudeau will be in power for the next few years to come.























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