Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

SAAC Welcomes Back Students 


Student Athletes Enjoy Meals, Movement and More 

The Student Athlete Advisory Committee rang in the spring semester with a Welcome Back event for athletes. Taking place this past Sunday, SAAC’s Welcome Back Event featured opportunities for playing and learning. Over 100 student-athletes attended the event, which took place at Newell Field House. Athletes competed in games and tournaments, which awarded winners coveted prizes such as gift cards from Sergi’s and the St. Lawrence University team store. The event also allotted opportunities for student-athletes to learn more about resources around campus. Tables featured various departments across campus, such as Student Wellness, Athletes for Athletes, Sports Information, Center for Career Excellence, Sports Medicine, and Peer Tutors. This event aligns with SAAC’s vision to pursue more opportunities that enhance the cohesiveness of the student-athlete body. 

When not shooting hoops or tossing bean bags, athletes fueled up with pizza provided by Sergi’s, a familiar caterer of SLU events. Events like this help bring the otherwise busy student-athlete body together and provide a chance for connectivity across the university’s 35 different sports teams. “The three-point tournament was fun to watch. It was a great atmosphere, a fun time to reconnect with friends I hadn’t seen over break,” one athlete said. 

The event was a way to bring student-athletes together and provide a chance to mingle, play and learn about resources around campus. There were tables from various departments discussing resources as well as internship opportunities. 

One of the goals of SAAC’s goals is to make sure student-athletes are aware of their resources and to provide an environment for personal development and a shared spirit across our many sports teams. 

The SAAC Executive Board was pleased with the event turnout and is excited to plan more events like this in the future. Sunday’s event started the schedule for SAAC’s spring agenda, which includes traditional events like National Girls and Women in Sports Day. NGWSD is typically celebrated on a busy home game weekend in April and invites children from the surrounding community to celebrate. To keep up with everything SAAC-related, follow @stlawusaac on Instagram. 

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