Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week


Eating Disorders Awareness Week (EDAW) is taking place this year from Feb. 27 through March 5. According to the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA), this week is “an annual campaign to educate the public about the realities of eating disorders and to provide hope, support, and visibility to individuals and families affected by eating disorders.” Though important for all demographics, this week is especially relevant among our population of students at St. Lawrence University.

The college environment poses an increased risk for the development of disordered eating habits, as opposed to the general U.S. public. “And managing your food intake in college, famous for midnight pizza runs and all-you-can-eat dining halls, is a whole new ballgame,” says Rae Jacobson from the Child Mind Institute. The college atmosphere is conducive to developing disordered eating habits, which can progress into a full-blown eating disorder.

In an article from Child Mind Institute, Chief Clinical Officer of Monte Nido Eating Disorder Center Dr. Doug- las Bunnell explained that, “the stress of a college schedule, managing a new social context, and dealing with independent living can trigger re-emergent anxiety, or, in some cases, a new mental illness,” These challenges of adapting to the new college living environment place students, especially homesick first-years, at an increased risk of developing disturbances in their eating patterns.

Additionally, the drinking culture at SLU, as well as colleges across the U.S., further complicates this likelihood of hardship. In the “Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education,” researchers at East Carolina State University reported, “In a study looking at calorie restriction prior to alcohol consumption in college freshmen, 14 percent of the subjects reported restriction calories, with 6 percent reporting the behavior to avoid weight gain and 10 percent to enhance alcohol’s effect.” This overlap between substance abuse and disordered eating habits has been informally coined by doctors as “drunkorexia.”

A common misconception is that this disease has a certain look, when, in reality, a person can struggle in any size body. “Less than 6 percent of people with eating disorders are medically diagnosed as ‘underweight,’’’ reports F.E.A.S.T., an organization that focuses on the support and education for the parents of those struggling with eating disorders. These illnesses are mental dis- orders, not weight disorders.

Males are also overlooked when considering people who might struggle with eating disorders. Eric Strother, Raymond Lemberg, Stevie Chariese Stanford and Dayton Turberville, in a journal published by “Taylor & Francis,” explained how “Underreport- ing of eating disorder symptoms is a major inhibitor to diagnosis, treatment, and ac- curate research for advancement in this area. Promotion of awareness of these issues is a crucial aspect to advance this field; as awareness may, in turn, promote environments in which men are able to talk about their food and body issues,” they add.

In “Health Promotion International,” Researchers Zali Yager and Jennifer A. O’Dea stated, “Due to the communal setting and academic atmosphere of the university environment, it is possible that health promotion initiatives aimed at protecting students’ body image and promoting healthy body image attitudes and behaviors could be effectively implemented as a part of coursework or online activities.” Although some characteristics of college perpetuate these behaviors, many factors are also conducive to beneficial prevention programs.

Regarding the upcoming week, NEDA states, “EDAW 2023 is an opportunity to center on lived experiences and eating disorder education, which are essential catalysts for awareness and change.” Eating Disorder Awareness Week serves to educate the public on these disorders, while also providing support and hope to people affected by them. For more info on eating disorders, look at NEDA’s website:!

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