Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

The Health Center Describes Appointment Reminder Policies


Following up on the article posted in the Dec. 7 issue, The Hill News interviewed Tim Corbitt, Director of Health and Counseling Services about Health Center policies.


The Hill News: What changes has the Health Center made to the process of setting an appointment in the last year?


Tim Corbitt: The visible change to appointment scheduling is the addition of e-mail notifications/reminders sent to students prior to the appointment.  Also, if there is a “no show” for an appointment, our system will send a notification/invitation to the student to reschedule the appointment with our front office.  


Hill News: If a student is sick, will the Health Center provide notification?


Corbitt: The Health and Counseling Center does not provide sick notes for missed classes based on appointments.  On the other hand, if there are extenuating circumstances based on a health/mental health condition, the Center will work with Student Life to notify professors, as appropriate.  This notification is made with consent of the student.


Hill News: What recommendations would you have for students who do miss classes because they are sick?


Corbitt: Last year, the Health and Counseling Center met with Thelmo to discuss different options available to students for addressing absences from class due to illness.

Students should first communicate directly with the faculty member if they are absent due to illness and then the student should notify their treating provider (health/mental health) at the Center in the event that a professor requires verification of an illness/condition which necessitated absence(s) from class.  

The Health and Counseling Center makes every effort to work with each student to address hardships caused by acute health/mental health conditions. Students with longer term health/mental health conditions would benefit by registering with Student Accessibility Services to request appropriate academic accommodations.


Hill News: Is there any other advice you would give students for how to best utilize the Health Center?


Corbitt: We would ask that students who are unable to keep their appointment please contact the Health and Counseling Center as soon as possible to cancel/reschedule.  When the Center is notified of a cancellation with advanced notice, we are able to offer that time to another student, and thereby reduce wait times.


The Health Services offers walk-in hours on Mon-Thurs (9-11 a.m.) and Fri (10-12 noon).  In addition, mental health crises during business hours (Mon-Fri, 8:30-4:30) do not require an appointment.   Students who present in crisis are seen immediately, or during an afternoon crisis slot (depending on the severity of the crisis).  After hours crisis counseling is also available to students by contacting Campus Safety and Security (315-229-5555) and requesting to speak to the crisis counselor on call.

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