Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Hear Me Out… Saints Should Support Saints


Hear me out…   

Saints should be supporting Saints. I feel like on this campus we have a problem with people being so negative to other sports teams. I understand that every team has some type of stereotypes that go along. I also understand that this is a natural thing that happens when a bunch of people get together to make up things about organizations. But I just don’t understand why it always must be so negative.   

I do think that this came to light to me because it is happening to my team a lot this semester. But that is the thing that I don’t understand. We stay in our lane and really don’t start shit. So why do people fill Yik Yak with hate comments about us? The worst is when you are walking around campus, and you are behind a crowd talking about how boring your sport is and how they would never come to watch your games. But the thing is that we don’t ask people to watch our games. So why is it necessary that you have to say that about us? The worst part is the fact that we support so many teams. We try to be at every game that we can make it to for almost every sport. I’m not going to lie; I have never been to anything for golf but I’m not really sure where that even takes place at. But just because you don’t get support from a team doesn’t give you the right to then be mean and cruel. Because I promise you, we really don’t get support from anyone, but we don’t go around talking shit or degrading the way your team and its team members look.   

I think that I would understand more for the hate people are putting out if there was something that the team did to upset another team or organization. But when you haven’t, I think it hurts more. It starts to hurt more when people decide to go after not the way we play or the way we interact but the way we look. For as much hate as we get about being boring, we get twice the amount about the way we look. We hear things like our team is so fat that two team members could not even sit in a rowboat together. Or that people would not come to our games because we have the ugliest girls on campus playing. I’m not completely sure why someone would think to say that because for a lot of young ladies’ things like this do really hurt and women tend to struggle with body image. So why put that negativity into the world and create problems internally for young women who already care too much about the way they look? 

Now you might say why should it matter if you know it is just dumb people saying these comments, and I would agree that there is no reason to give any light to these people because they should not be given the time of day. But I also think that it brings the question of “why say it in the first place?” What makes you feel good about saying these hurtful comments to people that you don’t know? Is it for upvotes, attention or to fit in? Because to me all of these reasons point to cowardly people. Because if you can’t say it to our faces, you probably should not say it at all.    

Thoughts of the day… why can’t people just be kind? You don’t have to go to games, but you also don’t need to talk shit about people you don’t know. For my team, it’s sad to see this because we stay in our lane and support other Saints in many things that are going on campus. We know that we are not everyone’s cup of tea but to be honest with you we don’t look for the approval of others to make us happy. I think that all we want is people to be nice to us. There is no reason for the hate that is going around because all it does is create a negative vibe on campus. To be honest the weather here already does that for us and we don’t need any extra of that here.   

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