Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Laurentian for Life Week Honors the Five Pillars of St. Lawrence


Last week, March 30-April 3, students, parents, and alumni from all over the world celebrated Laurentian for Life (L4L) Week. Events and con- tests were held both on and off campus honoring the five pil- lars that define us as Lauren- tians: Learn, Give, Connect, Serve, and Celebrate.

The first day of L4L week this year was Wednesday March 30th, and we celebrated LEARNING. Two events were hosted on this day, the Lauren- tian Lighting Lectures and the Saints Trivia night.

The Laurentian Lightning Lecture was a live online broadcast of SLU students John Nick Santaro ‘18, Paige Friedlander’16, Jaqueline Sovie’18, Ross McMullan’16 and senior class co-presidents, Samantha Colton’16 and Taylor Owen’16, who talked about their experiences here at SLU and how they relate to the five pillars of being a Laurentian.

Director of Laurentian Engagement, Joe Keniston ’05, hosted the live series and mentioned in his opening remarks that the live Laurentian Lighting Lectures have been running for years now, but it has always been professors that have spoken. Keniston says that the idea to have students speak during the lectures came from alumni. As Keniston told his viewers, alumni want to know what students are up to and what life on campus is like.

The second event which took place on Wednesday was the Saints Trivia night hosted at Pub 56. Free mac and cheese bites, mozzarella bites, and veggies were offered to those who participated in the event. There were five rounds of trivia questions – one for each of the five pillars. Questions ranged from what sport did Kirk Douglas participate in while he was at student at SLU to what is Coach’s real name. Teams consisted of all boys, professors, girls, faculty, and mixed genders. It was the team of all professors that brought in the over- all title and the Student Alumni Association which won for the student teams. Prizes such as Sergi’s gift cards and SLU swag were awarded to those teams that won and to the lucky individuals who answered questions correctly during bonus rounds.

The second day of L4L week this year was Thursday, and we celebrated GIVING. There were two events hosted on this day, the Coffee Boost and Thank SLU. On Thursday morning, the Alumni Executive Council served free coffee to students in the Student Center to help students wake up in the morning and to educate them on how all donations can make a difference in the lives of students. The second event was Thank SLU. The student Alumni Association (SAA) had set up in the student center and served free pizza and cookies to those who wrote thank you notes to the donors that support this place we all love.

SAA member Sonja Jensen’19 to get her view on the importance of this event. “I think it’s important to send our alumni hand written letters to show them how appreciative we are of their donations,” she said. “It makes it personal and shows that Laurentians truly care about those who help create opportunities and help make SLU experiences so unique.” The turnout at the event was great, and students were excited to write some thank you letters in return for free of pizza and cookies.

The third day of L4L week was Friday, and was all about CONNECTING. It was a busy one. A LinkedIn Photo Booth, Live Alumni Twitter Chats, LINC Info Session, Laurentian Social Hour, the L4L Week 4k Run/Walk, and the Laurentian Singers Home Concert were scheduled for the day, and the turnout was great. Laurentians are all about connecting so when the Alumni Executive Council, the Student Alumni Association, numerous Laurentian volunteers, and certain University Staff members were organizing this day they had to make sure there was lots going on, and that it would be a highlight of the week.

The LINC (Laurentians Investing in Networking and Careers) program Info Session was definitely an event to at- tend. LINC is a fairly new pro- gram at SLU launched in 2013 and funded by Michael Arpey ‘85. The program is designed to match first year and second year students with a SLU alum who serve as a professional mentor.

The program provides students the chance to develop networking and industry skills, as well as encourage a long term mentoring relationship with a particular alum. It was fitting that this information session was held this week as it relates to CONNECTING and because applications for this program are due April 11th.

The fourth day of L4L week, Saturday, we celebrated SERVICE.

Two events that were hosted on this day were the Volunteer Brunch and Kick it for Stephanie. The Volunteer Brunch was hosted in the Newell Multipurpose Room. It was a brunch for those students, faculty, and staff who continually go above- and-beyond in their service efforts.

The second event which was hosed on this day was Kick it for Stephanie. This was the main event of the day. It was a fundraiser for Stephanie McK- eel of Massena, NY who is currently battling Cystic Fibrosis. Stephanie is currently awaiting a double lung translate.

This event was presented by the Center for Civic Engagement and Volunteer Services. There were lots of activities to participate and fun to be had by all with Zumba, Salsa Dancing, Yoga, Rock climbing, Kan Jam, Basketball, Soccer, Arts and crafts, an auction, 50/50 raffle, and refreshments that were offered.

The final day of L4L Week was Sunday, Charter Day, and we CELEBRATED being Laurentians.

On this day there were three events held – The Charter Day Brunch to help SLU celebrate its 160th Birthday, Charter gatherings in various cities, and the Charter Day concert with the singing saints, sinners, and upbeats.

Celebrating is something that all Laurentians love to do. The event organizers of L4L week wanted to ensure that Lauren- tians across America were able to celebrate with one another even if they weren’t here on campus.

L4L Week has concluded but this does not end the celebra- tions of bring a Laurentian.

Everyday is a celebration.


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