If you know me, you know that I love a good sweet potato. The versatility of a sweet potato is astounding. From a bowl stuffed with rice and chickpeas, to a heaping pile of fries, the sweet potato can inch its way into every dish and find itself in every meal. Despite its meal-bounding limbs, I think that the sweet potato is best served at breakfast. A breakfast potato? Just wait. I’m not sure when I started to put almond butter on my morning sweet potatoes, but I am glad that I did. Not only is the combination of caramelized, oven-baked sweet potato and crunchy almond butter absolutely delicious, but it is easy to make in a time crunch. With only a small batch of pre-baked sweet potatoes (sweet potato harvesting season is coming up!) and a jar of almond butter, a week’s worth of breakfast (or lunch, or dinner, or midnight snacks) can be secured.
- 4 medium to large sweet potatoes
- 2 tablespoons of A.B.O.C (almond butter of choice- I recommend the crunchy almond butter from Nature’s Storehouse or Potsdam Food Co-Op)
- A pinch of sea salt
1) Preheat the oven to 400 degrees
2) Wash the sweet potatoes and poke holes in the skin with a fork
3) Place the sweet potatoes on a non-stick baking pan and lightly salt
4) Set a timer for 1 hour and place the pan in the oven
5) Wait. Go outside. Stare into the oven. Eat a spoonful of almond butter
6) After an hour, remove the pan from the oven with oven mitts (don’t get too excited and make the same mistakes I have)
7) Make sure the sweet potato is cooked thoroughly; you can tell by cutting the sweet potato in half like a hot dog bun and, if you can easily smush down the insides with a fork, you’re good to grub out
8) After 15 minutes of cooling time, drizzle two teaspoons (or three, or four, or however much you’re feeling) onto the sweet potato
9) Put the other 3 sweet potatoes in a Pyrex or plastic container to keep in a fridge until you’re ready to devour them– they’ll keep for up to a week!
TIP: If you don’t have access to an oven, a paper towel wrapped sweet potato can be microwaved to perfection in around five minutes!