A Visual Representation of SLU’s Financial Priorities
It has become apparent that St. Lawrence University is struggling with finances. Budget cuts have been felt across campus. Club funding has been cut. Academic departments cannot sustain. Dining halls are falling apart. The justification that ‘there is just not the money’ is often used, yet we see many unnecessary purchases by the University.
Despite all theme houses, residence halls, and townhouses having designated trash rooms, SLU decided it would be best to spend thousands installing dumpsters across campus for students to dispose of their trash.
Pieces of Dean Eaton chip away from the wall as the school turns a blind eye to its maintenance needs. For many years SLU has ignored the potholes which cover the road that runs from the intramural fields to the end of Kirk Douglas Hall. Navigating our small campus has never been a problem, yet SLU decided to install these expensive signs across campus.