Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Rock the Vote for Women’s Rights


By: Annie Wilcox


There is a lot at stake this election, particularly for women. Our rights to birth control, abortion, equal pay for equal work, and many others are being debated daily. Conservatives already have too much say about our heath, our decisions and our lives. Use your vote to say “no” to their restrictive and outdated views this election.  November 4th is coming up.  Here are 6 reasons why all women and the men who care about them need to head to the voter’s booth. 

1. The Wage Gap. Women are still only making on average 77 cents for every dollar that a man makes. This year, every Republican in Congress voted against the Paycheck Fairness Act that would address the disparity between male and female income and hold companies accountable for discrimination. St. Lawrence students, male and female, work equally hard and earn the same degree. Know your worth and vote for a candidate who acknowledges it. 

2. Your right to affordable and accessible abortion is at risk. Since 2010, there have been more abortion restrictions passed than in the ten previous years. Abortion restrictions do not stop abortions. They create a dangerous environment for women to find alternative means of termination. The 79% majority of men in the Senate and the 75% majority of men in the House should not have a say about our reproductive choices. As young college students, we reserve the right to make decisions about our future. A student should never have to face the decision between a college education and raising a family because of inaccessible family planning. Whether your personal beliefs include abortion or not, all women should be allowed to make the decision for themselves. 

3. A “Beyoncé voter” sounds like everything I have ever hoped to be, but unsurprisingly, Jesse Waters of Fox News has a different definition of the term. The Fox news host uses the term “Beyoncé voters” to describe single women who “depend on the government because they are not depending on their husbands.” Let’s redefine the term this election. Women are more than their marital status. Show Fox News and Congress that you are a vote to be reckoned with this election. 

4. 50% of the United States’ population is female, yet only 17% of Congress is female. If we cannot be equally represented in Congress, then let our votes make our voices heard this election. There are strong predictions that women will decide this midterm. Let’s prove them right. Vote to make your voice heard.

5. The Conservative Republican Party does not think highly of women. Recently, there have been a variety of offensive advertisements released by various GOP organizations, like the College Republican National Committee, attempting to recruit female voters for the midterm election. They relate political issues and candidates to “Say Yes to the Dress” and dating websites to help females relate better to politics because our lives are only as deep as our relationships. Don’t let these commercials benefit the GOP. Vote against them. Vote because you have more depth than the women portrayed in these commercials. Vote because you are smart and involved in your community and society. Just vote.

6. Access to birth control is being heavily restricted. As college students, this poses an enormous problem. According to Planned Parenthood, 43% of female college students use oral contraceptives that doesn’t even include other types of birth control. Some politicians claim that they support access to “over-the-counter birth control.” Over-the-counter birth control would make the administration of some types of birth control, such as IUDs, very difficult. The question also remains, will these medicines be covered by insurance or will woman be forced to shell out their own money for their prescriptions? Additionally, the same GOP politicians who claim to support access to over-the-counter birth control, have in the past, voted for anti-choice legislation.  Take Thom Tillis R-NC for example. He claims to support access to over-the-counter birth control, yet he voted for Hobby Lobby, legislation that allows employers’ insurance to opt out of coverage for birth control. Before voting, check up on your candidate’s past voting record to be sure that they are going to follow through for you because we can’t afford to lose that crucial medication. 

If these reasons don’t convince you, then there are plenty more than can. Universal healthcare, the legalization of marijuana, responses to global warming and many more issues are at risk this election. Let’s put active lawmakers with our best interests in mind back into Congress. Use your voice.Vote. To learn how to register and obtain an absentee ballot, visit your state’s website.

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