Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Algebra I and Senioritis


By: Caroline Murphy


Welcome back my saintly friends and acquaintances. It’s that time of the year again. The time of year where our emails are filled with notices about getting frostbite if you’re outside for too long, and where the whispers of future “plans” can be heard throughout every senior social circle. I hate the word “plan.” I mean raise your hand if you’re a senior and got asked by some sort of inebriated family member over your holiday stay at home what your “plans” are. Raise em high. Kudos to those of you that have landed that big ol’ J-O-B. KUDOS ON THE BONO SHADES. I’d also like to say kudos to those of you have not. It’s an uphill battle, and I feel like I’m wearing the wrong shoes and am just a bit scared of the ascent. It looks a bit rocky from here, doesn’t it folks? I mean you could be that son of a gun’ these days with a big ol’ plan and a big ol’ dream, but that doesn’t mean Daddy Warbucks is going to pick you to be the new Annie, because let’s be serious that remake was just made so we’re in for the long sleep if we wait on him to come back a’ knocking soon. Nope, we’re just a bunch of kids trying to make it in the real world. I tried to tell my aunt that grad school is just a bit over my pay right now, but she wouldn’t listen. She kept saying, “Caroline, you’ve got to have a plan  these days.” I have a plan. It’s to write a cover letter over and over again, and click send. It’s to squeeze every little drop of entertainment I can out of 23 Romoda Drive in the next four months. I mean tell me I can’t. It’s my plan. I want to leave in four months and switch on Closing Time by Semisonic (amirite) and shed a single tear, not out of sadness but out of pure victory. Seniors, I am talking to you. Yes, you! We are the chosen ones. Every last one of us has this amazing freedom at our hands. I mean we literally in four months have the ability to move and groove how we wish…( you can stay in hostels all around the world for free if you clean for two hours, don’t be greedy here folks.) We have to be determined. We have to be inspired, and we have to be sleep deprived.

If you talk to anyone who has graduated from any school, anywhere, they will tell you things they wish they had done, but hadn’t because they didn’t have the time. Seniors, by my calculations (I failed Algebra 1, so take it or leave it) we have roughly 120 days left on this campus. That is 120 days to do what you have always wanted. I’ve started a list. There I go again making plans, take that Aunt Pat! I don’t want one of my underclassmen confidants to call me in two years and ask what I wish I had done, because I hope there is nothing left for me to do when I leave. I’ve already played and politely left sports teams, clubs, and friends. I want to try more. If you’ve got a club that needs a new member, hit me up, I’ve got time, roughly 120 days of it. I want to go places where I haven’t. There is so much room for activities on this campus that it is a waste to not move a bunk bed around to use it. I don’t think it’s selfish to think that I can do everything. Isn’t that what a liberal arts education is all about, doing everything or a bit of it all. So, I’m going to get my liberal education on in 120 days.

So, Seniors (don’t worry underclassmen I have some articles that will really excite you coming up) are we going to carpe de 120 diaz or are we going to the opposite of those words? I hope to see you out there my Senior Saints, because I believe in each and everyone one of you, and all it takes is just one person to believe in you…right that’s what they say? Whatever, let’s go. Let’s do this. Let’s friend each other on LinkedIn and pretend that we all have done every special skill and talent that we can endorse each other for. I want to be endorsed for accounting, I mean I basically am already the Wolf of Park Street with that math that I did up there somewhere. So, get on up and get on out. Also, can I add more than one picture to my LinkedIn?

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