Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University

Mad Advice: All Eyes Off Me


How do I avoid certain people at the pub?

This is one of the very many perks about going to a small school, you always run into the people you do not want to see. The best hiding place would probably be the bathroom on the first floor. Make sure to bring your phone so your friends can text you when they leave. Another good hiding place is your mailbox. Just casually go check if you have received any letters or coupons and then wait around until the person leaves. If you do not feel like getting up from your table, you can just stare up at the ceiling until they pass. This is definitely the most mature and least obvious tactic.

I was just rejected; how do I bounce back?

You cry for a day and really wallow about the fact you were just rejected. You only have one day to cry though, otherwise they win. Then you pick yourself and convince yourself that you are hot shit, and they suck. If you need go do some retail therapy and go to Princess Polly and buy yourself a pink floral slip dress. When you dress arrives immediately put in on and start swiping right on Tinder. Find someone new to give you the attention you want and deserve, you will definitely find a new person. Rejection is part of life so get used to it.

Can I be friends with my ex?

Depends. If they treated you terribly, probably not a good idea. Why would you want to be friends with an asshole? If you ended on positive terms sure. Some couples work better as friends than being in a relationship. If this is your attempt to try and get back together with them, do not reach out. Give yourself some time between the breakup and attempting to be friends to make sure your romantic feelings are gone. If you are able to stay friends with your ex, congratulations! That might be one of the most difficult but mature things people can do.

I have a crush on my friend’s boyfriend, what do I do?

You should definitely shoot your shot!! Just kidding, do not do that unless you want to lose that friend. Instead, you should focus on all their flaws to help you move on from this small crush. Focus all your energy on someone else so you do not have time to think about them. Having a crush on your friend’s significant other is fine as long as you do not act on your crush. Try and keep your distance from their partner for a bit until these feelings pass. Hopefully the feelings are not permanent, and you will move on quickly.

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